
Hey hey, so you want to get in touch for whatever reason?

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41 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Can I request Unrequited Love and Moonlght Destiny from the album POP || CULTURE 7 of Alstroemeria Records? Thanks!

  2. I saw you had “Add all translations to Touhou Wiki” on your todo list so I added all the translation in your catalogue section (excluding songs for album that weren’t already on the wiki) to the Touhou wiki.

    • Whoa, thanks, that helps a lot!
      That also reminds me, I really need to update my catalogue. It’s gotten a bit out of date at this point.

  3. First, I’ve got to thank you. Found this site a couple days ago and you just happen to have translations for my favorite songs from some of my favorite artists :D

    Second, I was hoping to throw in a request if possible: 砂上のFILTER by Amateras Records (Album is Dilemmatic Sorcery). Lyrics are available on Touhou wiki

  4. Hi,
    I’d just like to request one more song. Its name in Japanese is “悪意と愛のすきまのパズル”, by “iojjj”. I’ve found two versions of lyrics, with small differences (I’m not sure which one is correct, if there any differences):

    The song can be listened to here (beware the screech at the end):

    Thanks ahead once again!

  5. Hello,
    I’ve had already requested two songs here a few months ago, and if it is okay, I’d like one more: kors k feat.Yukacco – Are You Ready.

    The original mix is found here:

    Ans the lyrics can be found at the description of this video:

    It’s an EDM song so the lyrics are relatively short (at least I think so).

    Thanks ahead, and also thanks for all the other translations you made!

  6. You really seem to be starving for some RTS12 lyrics, but unfortunately, I haven’t got any scans from Alstroemeria’s album. I really don’t know how interested you are in translating songs of your non-favourite circles, but you can find Diao ye zong (withered leaf)’s new album’s lyrics here:

    I doubt there’s a chance you’re interested in anything else, since all I can offer right now are SWING HOLIC VOL. 15 and ShibayanRecords’ TOHO BOSSA NOVA 4. Good Luck finding anything else!

    • Ah, thanks! I’m just a bit down because translating Alst first thing has become somewhat of a tradition for me.

      I’d include RD’s circle as one of my favourites, but I’m not the biggest fan of his latest album. Kafka seems to be liking it a lot more than me anyway, so I feel like I can count on him to work on it.

      As for Bossa Nova 4, Releska already translated the song I’d be interested in doing.

      I am enjoying Sound Holic vol. 15 though, so I may do something from that in the future. I already have the lyrics myself though, so don’t worry.

      • Welp, sorry about Bossa Nova 4, it just happens to be me who requested that already, heh!
        I want some Lyrics for Alstroemeria’s new album to pop up soon, I’m interested in translations, too. Especially the original song, maybe the lyrics are as good as on C87.

        If you’re going for Swing Holic, リバースパラダイス seems interesting, but that’s just me. I’d be really glad, if you gave any song some love, frankly, doesn’t happen often enough with those albums.
        But even if you don’t, best of luck, buddy!

  7. I have 2 requests! (>.
    1. how low and low – nayuta from the album titled Viva Evolution by Halozy.

    2. 君の声は – Nanahira from the album titled LOP STEP RABBITS! by かめるかめりあ(Camellia) & Confetto.

  8. Hello,
    I’ve wondered if you could translate the songs “Rootus” and “Trail of Dust” by “TRäkker” (Taishi and Ringo Aoba) from the album “GWAVE Clubsound Project Somersault”.

    The lyrics for “Trail of Dust” can be found here:

    I haven’t been able to find the lyrics for “Rootus” even though I have searched quite a lot. Please see if you could try and find them yourself.

    Thanks ahead!

  9. Hello! I have three requests, could you translate スペクタクルドリーム and in particular プリズムループ (my favourite) from Pizuya’s Cell Excelsior. Such an amazing album and vastly different from what they produce nowadays. Link to lyrics:

    Also, another 3L song; 一夜之夢 from RD Sound’s 徒, this song imo is one of my favourites out of his works. The lyrics are on Touhou Wiki

    I would love to sub them! Thanks!

  10. There are two songs I would like you to translate – Regret and Crazy Diamond. Both are from Amateras Records and the lyrics can be found on the Touhou Wiki. Thank you :)

    • I have to be honest, songs with lots of English such as Crazy Diamond aren’t the most fun to work on (as well as tend to sound very unnatural / strange). I try to avoid them as much as I can, but don’t worry, I know someone else who has already translated it, if that’s alright with you.

      [Translation] Crazy Diamond

  11. May I ask if you can translate “Wheel of Fortune” by Alstroemeria Records? The lyrics are up on the Touhou Wiki if you need to find them.

  12. Big fan of your work, I’m currently obsessed with a DiGiTAL WiNG song. Could you please translate 断罪の天秤 whenever you have time? I don’t have the lyrics unfortunately.

    • Sorry, but I can’t find the lyrics anywhere.

      A lot of booklet scans for Comiket 86 albums haven’t been posted yet, and I don’t see anything on my usual sources either, so all we can do is wait, it seems.

  13. Oh man could you please translate Phatmans After School「人類への過程」Process to Humanity/Jinrui e no Katei? You could find the kanji lyrics of the song if you google the title

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